This is a great article, and I agree!

I did make the decision to come out of the Broom Closet a few years ago, but being out doesn't mean u run around and shout it from the rooftops. It means that I don't actively hide it, and I don't deny it when someone asks me. I'm cautious about when I come out to a new, non-Pagan friend, and I don't always wear visible jewelry.

I've been practicing for a long time--over 30 years--so I've developed a pretty good sense of when it's ok and when it's not.

I'm going to be adding a Pagan publication to my Substack. I hope you'll consider checking it out! There aren't very many good Pagan Substacks that I could find.

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Thanks! I agree that there's a lot of nuance in how to be "out" as a witch, and it looks different to different people and different places. One reason why I'm not as "out" as I could be in work circles is that I have had to travel to countries where burning witches still happens. But my family and friends all know, and of course I am in the community and I teach and blog. I will keep a lookout for your Stack!

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Yeah. I live in a very safe place, too, and I run a Pagan meetup , so I'm out there, a bit. I'm also new to this area, though, and trying to make friends outside of the Pagan world, and THAT'S where I've been cautious. I think that's always wise

I'll try to remember to let you know when I set it up. Basically, I'm moving my Pagan blog here.

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